Is it alright to be bi & emo?

I been liken the same sex and the other sex for about 2 years now and I have a lot of friends who are bi and gay and a lot of emo also consitered emo because of the carved word on my arm and ankle from like 3yrs ago. Neways when im walking around school or just getting changed in gym I get weird ? And weird looks . Im not ashamd of who I am. But how can I make people stop telling every one in the school im emo an bi???

Answer #1

I think as you get older you will start to discover yourself more and more. Its absolutely okay to be bi-sexual. You and I both know that there are a lot of homophobic people in this world, but you will learn to ignore them more and more as you get older. As for the “emo”… don’t label yourself. I hate the fact of someone labeling them self because of their actions or whatever else labeling is based on. Be yourself, you are who you are. You cant make people stop saying things unfortunately, but you can choose to ignore it. Be proud of who you are, don’t let others get you down. Next time someone makes a rude comment about it towards you just say “So what… its none of your business, stop being so obsessed with my life”. I don’t see why people gossip about other people’s lives, makes them look low. Stay strong, karma is on your side.

Answer #2

Dear biatchrunawayfromthelies, Well you can’t stop them. You stated you were bi…so they are stating a truth. They think you are EMO because of your past history…Well, that isn’t a big deal is it? You didn’t say they were making rude comments perhaps just stating what they think are facts and for the most part true. Relax, you know who you are and reacting to them will only make them continue. Show that you really don’t care what they say. Sue…good luck

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