Why does everyone say they are bi?

Its extremely frustrating when everyone says they are bi because me who actually is bi does not really like how I have to hold my sexuality back and lie about it c ause everyone is lying about it now so whay do people say they are bi when they arent ow the hell did being bisexual become a fad

Answer #1

It’s not that bisexuality is becoming a trend, but people feel as if when they’re gay, they’re limiting themselves to only one gender, and same with being straight. But when you’re bisexual, you can branch out to both genders, and so that’s basically why people are bi these days.

Answer #2

Some people are just trying to discover their sexuality and I think thats how a lot of it happens to. A lot of people grow up not knowing for sure whether they like males or females so they assume they are bisexual. As they get older, most end up going one way or the other.

Answer #3

did it ever occur to you that perhaps people arent saying this because its a fad…maybe more people are coming out because its more accepted now than it was in generations past…im not saying people dont fake it but im shure lots of people are.although im bi and I do hate it when people pretend to be it just for attention or because they think its cool…thats stupid.

Answer #4

no it didnt because in a school with about 300 kids I guess and maybe 200 are guys 100 of them say they are bi no joke what are the odds? exactly

Answer #5

your right most are faking it

Answer #6

I agree it annoys me right after I came out like 15 people at my school decided to say they where bi it was so annoying …but its who I am and ill stay this way for the rest of my life.

Answer #7

yes I suppose but there is also the whole guy bi fad now as well like 50 percent of the guys in the school here say they are bi I know of 2 me and my freind everyone else lies some admit it to me and others its just obvious I am sure there are a few but so many guys lie about it as well

Answer #8

Your right, people are really overusing it. I personally think a lot of females do it for attention… in fact, I know a lot of girls that do it for attention. They have straight up told me. I don’t support people pretending to be something they aren’t. I wish everyone could just be real for once.

how the hell did being bisexual become a fad

Heres an example that I’ve seen a lot of: A couple of straight girls go to a party and get drunk and start making out. All the guys are all “omg thats so hot” and those girls are now being called “bi” all around school and guys are all up in them now and they are loving every minute of it so they keep doing it. You know how it is…

I’m not at all saying bisexual people don’t exist, I’m just saying most people who say they are… aren’t. Thats completely okay that your bisexual theres nothing wrong with that. :)

Answer #9

there are a lot of real bisexual people out there but majority of those who actually arnt do it for attention when someone of the same sex kisses someone else of the same sex, all eyes are on them so while there kissing there kind of controlling the crowd around them people will usually cheer and so on, making them feel better about it its definantly something that happens at parties and when people are drunk or tipsy though when someones feeling good, theyll do almost anything

Answer #10

Well I would have to agree with you on that, I think a lot of girls rather than guys are turing on the darkside because they experiment, or think if my friend is I have to be aswell…aslo “emo”, a lot of people related to this catagory etc are infact at least half bisexuals (most of them truly are) but the people who think you have to be bisexual to be emo are just doing it because they want to be emo…I on the other hand am really a bisexual, some of my friends are, but then some have changed, just teenage years, experimenting, they think they are but later grow up and realise they arnt.

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