is he going to tell me?

So I’ve been seein this guy for about 6 years… more liike best friends inlove…couse we’ve never really made us official… its just always been that way… so we talk everyday on the phone and by email since he’s been out of town for quite a while okay so he always calls me baby and says I love you a lot via email but on the phone he has never said any of those… only four times he’s said I love you and want to marry u… what the heck…?? What do you think of this??

Answer #1

I really dont think he “loves” you in the way you want him to. I think he has friend love for you, and nothing more. Especially after 6 years.

Do you have a sexual relationship?

Answer #2

I thnk he is nerv0us…its easier t0 say that stuff in an email 0r txt, even th0 you d0 want t0 hear it in pers0n it is harder!!!

Answer #3

he probably does love you if yu guys haveee beeenn talkkingg like this for 6 yearsss; he probablyyy is just afraiiddd to tell yu to yourr face. have yu everr saiidd it to him? maybee he’s afraiddd of what you will sayy backk. or maybe hess just holdingg it outt untill both of yu are ready for a real relationship. maybe he wants somethiingg reall with yu andd not just a stupid teenage relationship. I doubt its anything personal :]

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