Is death that bad?

Mmkay so. First off please read this and help. Kay so my life all went downhill in 2 weeks. I lost my boyfriend because I cheated on him with dee(my ex, and my best friend) Then I lost dee because I told him I wanted to fix things with my boyfriend. Then I lost my 2 best friends because I got really drunk one night and was tryna fight one of them. I have nothing left I dont know how to get everything back together. Like sence I lost my boyfriend I have started cutting again. All I want to do is go kill myself. I have everything ready I no exactly how im going to do it. I need help somebody tell me what to do

Answer #1

Boyfriend problems cannot be a reason for self-cuttings or suicide. Start to behave like a healthy person, then you will get your friends back, and will have a new boyfriend. Do not feel guilty or pity for these two boyfriends. None of them tried to help you in your situation, however it is obvious even from your letter, you need help and understanding.

Answer #2

Go ask your doctor/parents you want to see a councler or phsychiatrist you dont have to tell them why just tell them its important…as the people said above me nothing is worth killing yourself over (trust me I know)…I hope you get better, im sorry to hear about all of this but with TIME everything can be fixed give it a shot and you may be able to win them all back…

Answer #3

OK… You need to get yourself some help. Tell your parents or one of your friends who you trust. Nothing is worth killing yourself over.

Please go get some help

Answer #4

Aw <3. =[ I used to feel the same way. There are plenty of other people out there that you can make good friends with. You dont need to go cutting yourself now, its not worth the drama. Seriously. I used to, a LOT to be honest. But, you need to find something that can make you happy, other than guys that is.

Just keep your head up. And dont let anything else bring you down.

And please dont kill yourself. Just over that? Come on. =[ Believe in yourself, but, it’s okay to be scared of coarse. Things happen and life goes on.

It’s not the end of the world. :)

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