Interview tips?

I’m going for an interview on monday how do I make a good impression any tips?

Answer #1

Yes be polite, dress the part, look the interviewer in the eye when answering their questions and DO NOT ask what the benifits are. I found from my 35 years experience as a emploer that the prospects that are more concerned with what they get out of it always turned out to be the worst employees.

Answer #2

This has some great suggestions: (asked just 3 days ago).

The site search would help you, also.

Answer #3

Dress nicely thats for sure! every detail matters (hair socks shoes shirt) also arrive early I would know things about the company youre interviewing for (know what the sell or who they work with etc) Shake everyones hand and have confidence (but dont be arrogant) think about possible ?s they may ask I.e “Why do you want to work for us?” “what experiecne do you have that would make you vaulable to our company?” etc Remember youre selling your self so its OK to say “I know…” or “I have done…”

Hope that helps!

Answer #4

nice clothing and think about what they will ask and try to answer them now and go over it

Answer #5

well. where is your interview at?

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