Are there any integration nerds out there to help me with my question?

I feel really stupid because this is a fairly easy question but my head is getting messed around by it and I’m doing a-level maths =/

Anyway, here’s the question: ∫ (x^2-9)/x dx I have an answer but my book often has mistakes so I want to see if you any of you can try it without getting to the answer. I can get the correct answer by splitting the fraction but I’m you split it to : x^2/x - 9/x and then integrating them seperately.

I want to be able to do it using the substitution method i.e substituting x^2-9 as u … etc. but any method will please me. Thanks in advance.

Answer #1

does ^ stand for root i had a teacher who couldnt get her message across easy when i used to go to high school so i forgot

Answer #2

^ means to the power of… so x^2 = x squared It’s computer speak..since it’s not easy to write it like we can in real life. :)

Answer #3

i dont know about ur question but my question to u is what the hell is an integration nerd?

Answer #4

Official definition of ‘integration nerd’: A person who avidly pursues intellectual activities with particular emphasis in integration (an operation used in calculus in which the integral of a function or variable is determined; the inverse of differentiation). Maybe next time just answer with relevant responses. Hehe. :)

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