
Does anyone have the problem where if their sleep pattern is disturbed it takes then about a month to get back to normal?

Answer #1

yeah. insomnia sucks. it’s more like I have no sleep pattern though. I’m lucky to get 2 hours of sleep a night. bananas really do help. and there’s herbal teas that are meant to help you sleep. they work for a while. I wouldn’t suggest sleepy meds unless you have to, because you might become dependant on them.

Answer #2

notonourown is wrong, well, right/wrong. In this case, she’s talking about insomniacs, which I am. It sucks! My whole family has it! :(

To get better sleep, here are some foods that are nature’s ambien…

  • Bananas
  • Grapes (Especially black grapes)
  • Milk (Better if warm)
Answer #3

Yes sigh It sucks so much. I go to bed at 10am and wake up at 5pm!

Answer #4

Sleep patterns change as your hormones change.
This too shall change.

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