
I been seeing some 19 yr old on and off for bout 8 weeks. But were not going out. were just having sex. But I want more than just sex, but hes sleeping with 2 girls.. and dats just who I know of. I spoke to one of the girls and he told her shes the only girl hes sleeping with (he told me the same thing) and he wont use a condom either. But im really into him, I thought it was because of my ag but the other girls are also 16. I dont know what to do. I am totally smitten.

Answer #1

I no it sucks right now but you have fallen for a typical player. And you are only 16! believe me there are plenty of guys out there and you will find one to treat you right. Why should you have to share a guy with other girls, one should be enough!! atleast thats how the guy your with should make you feel, you need to get rid of him, i no you are smitten but believe me give it time and you will find someone to treat you the way you deserve. You can do so much better and the fact he isnt using protection with any of you if very VERY immature of him and can cause major damage. You only no of 2 other girls, there is prob heaps more and who nos what you have, when you sleep with him you are sleeping with all those girls to becos if they have anything, you are definetly going to get it! make the right choices! you seem like a reasonable girl, how do you know when he comes over to be with you like 2 hours b4 he wasnt with some other girl, thats just gross to think about! do yourself a favour and leave him, let all the other girls be stupid and catch things but your smarter!

Answer #2

WOW! girl you need to loose him and loose him now. apparently he only wants you for sex especially since ya’ll are not even in a reltionship, and on top of that he lied to you. he told you that you are the only one he is sleeping with. well, obviously your not. I think you should just find somebody else who likes you for you and not just your body. and on top of all that it is illegal.

Answer #3

Hes using you. You should leave him or your just going to get hurt. Theres also a danger you’ll catch an STD off him because of the other girls he is sleeping with.

Answer #4

memyselfandi is right. Because he is sleeping with other girls, there is a higher risk of you catching a STD. I would tell him that you don’t want someone who doesn’t want a real relationship. You need to leave him and find someone who relaly cares about you. This guy doesn’t care about you.. he only wants your body because it doesn’t feel the same by himself. He is putting himself and others at risk by having unprotected sex.

Answer #5

:)) change the situation: find an other b/f who goes out with you etc., and keep this b/f only for your sexual fun..

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