How can I be myself when I'm the outsider?

ok soo all my friends are really pretty and most of them have bfs not all and i feel like im wicked ugly because ive only had 2 bfs this year and that was at the beggining and i dont feel i can be myself around boys… and my mom says the best thing to do is be yourself but im not sure what to do pleasee help!

Answer #1

Honey, your too young to be concerned with boyfriends and such. But since your going to worry about it no matter what anyone tells you, then heres my response to you. Make sure your doing interesting things that you like to do. Make sure your trying to do your personal best in school and that you think your an interesting person to be around and pretty much the rest just follows. But honey, PLEASE don’t let having or not having as many boy friends as the rest of the gals have or even any boyfriends for that matter, dictate to your soul what’s good about you or not. What I mean is, be yourself and realize that if that’s not enough to ANYONE, guy or female friend, than they AREN’T worthy of you in the first place. We TRUALLY MUST LOVE OURSELVES in a NON arrogant way before any one other than our family could trually love us. That just means that you really have to care about yourself first because if you don’t think your worth much just because your not in a relationship, then your problems are bigger than you think. Be trually happy within your self, and you’ll see all the wonderful good people that’ll want to be around you. Just BE CAREFUL FOR THE folks that just want to use you for anything at all, especially for sex. Remember, your body is your temple and if you don’t take proper care of it, who will? And who will TRUALLY care for someone who they see is desperate to get any attention from pretty much almost anywhere they can get it? I hope you’ll listen to your mom and me, TRUST ME, WE BOTH KNOW BEST, we’re both Mom’s. Stephanie Mandala.

Answer #2

Boy are like the dumest of all god’s creation.I ‘m a pretty woman and didn’t know tell I was 26.They did that to me.Now I have only had two boy friend.The one’s that were brave enough.Some times if your diffrent that frighten the males.Find some one standing out side the box they are fun and have heart because there feet are on the ground.I saw your pic look at your self your so pretty.Don’t let the male jade you so young. look around and see if you can’t find some one who needs your friendship not your ass.I know you’ll find some one who really needs you.Beside if you don’t date alot of guy they chace after you.So fly and enjoy the summer.

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