Im really embarrased

How do I face my fear of embaressment on my first day of school??


Answer #1

u can take a good friend w/ you and then walk in together just have something 2 talk about when you get there like a movie or someting thats what always helps me

Answer #2

Don’t really think about it. Just talk to people you know, act like it’s the last year, and try to introduce yourself to new people who seem to be interesting to you. If you don’t really feel like talking, or if your extreamly shy, just sit back, relax, and listen to what the teacher has to say, cause you know thats all they ever do on the first day.

Answer #3

be cool. and don’t trip. be nice. get involved!!

Answer #4

look confident

Answer #5

just go and try to make friends you can not have to many friends and smile

Answer #6

mm I don’t know,, I dont know what your embarresed about.

Answer #7

Embarassed about what?

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