Im peeing a lot but had no symptoms. Does that mean im pregnant?

My boyfriend and I had sex about 2 weeks ago, and ever since then we’ve been having more sex…but when we had sex 2 weeks ago he but in me ever since. I haven’t had any symptoms of anything yet. Am I pregnant?

Answer #1

NO, that can happen to you if you have an infection, also if probably you just worring about it, JUST GET IT OVER WITH AND TAKE A PREGO TEST, YOU SAY IS ABUT 2 WEEKS NOW, YOU SHOULD BE THE TEST SHOULD BE ABLE TO TELL YOU.

Answer #2

yes you could be, I heard peeing a lot is one of the earliest symptoms…and breast tenderness, swollen or sore nipples.

Answer #3

the only symptom I suppose you would get in a two week range is implantation bleeding? like spotting you wouldnt have symptoms so early..

Answer #4

being that it was only 2 weeks ago, you wouldnt have any symptoms. best thing to do is wait until youre missed period and take a test

Answer #5

I am a sex educator at a clinic. Peeing a lot can be a symptom of an STD or of a Urinary Tract Infection. Have you had an STD screen recently?

It’s a good idea to get regular screens, because many common STDs, like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, can lead to infertility and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease if they are not treated.

If you are concerned that you might be pregnant, you can take a pregnancy test.

Most pregnancy tests can tell you if you’re pregnant starting about ten days after you’ve had sex. It takes that long for the hormone the pregnancy tests look for (called “HCG”) to appear in your pee.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice