Im in a real mess...

Well basically I have met a girl recently…by the way I am also a girl…and we are noe together, I have been with a girl before for about a year and it was really nice ..the thing is my parents donr know anything and when they suspected something was going on with the other girl they got reaaly mad and they were threatening me and stuff saying I have let them down etc…I really dont want to hurt them but im so happy with this girl now and I wish I could tell them. I always deny things when they ask anything but I guess im not being fair on my girlfriend doing this…im not sure what to do I feel like I have to decide between my parents or my girlfriend…

Answer #1

Honestly it really isnt any of their business what you do with your girlfriend. I personally wouldnt tell my parents, and I would understand if my girlfriend felt the same way. If they have religious objections to it, it just makes it harder… You are who you are, it isnt about picking your parents or your girlfriend but chosing whether you are going to live a lie the rest of your life by denying who you are…

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