Ok im confussed? Does he like me or messing me about.

Okay. This boy fancied me, I dint like him as much as he liekd me. But we hooked up & decidwed to take it slow, But then there was times, he felt he was getting messed about then I went on holiday come back and he was over me, cause he thought I was messing about, but when I was on holiday, I really missed him, then I knew I was ready to have a realitonship. & when I got back yeah my heartbroke. & we had this argument lasted for about 2weeks. This was in jul-august. & I’ve told him how I’ve felt, he dont feel same nomore. & hes got with girls & fell in love with others, we do talk but not the same But I saw him saturday & hugged and talked but then today he go to me I was gna kiss you saturday but you was to short :l So? Im confussed… And only a week ago, he was in love with this other girl and hooking up? ;s

Do yuo think hes just using me? & I was finally getting over him until he go and say that.

I asked him why he was gna kiss me ? He said xmas kiss? Like what does that mean.

Answer #1

I think he wants you to like him again and maybe he was saying hes in love with the girl to make you jealous. thers a chance that he could like you but theres a chance he could just want you to like him.

Answer #2

It sounds like he’s trying to look big. getting other girls..thats supposed to make you jealous and fall for him. but there can be a chance that he’s just messing with you because if he likes other girls and denied your feelings even after you told him you liked him…and then later tried to get you to kiss him…definitely seems like he’s just playing with you. How about you leave him alone for a bit. if he likes you, he’ll come to you. and if he doesn’t, then you know he was just playing around and trying to get kicks from girls.

Answer #3

Of course hes just using you! You dont have sex with a guy, and then expect to have a relationship with him. Guys dont work that way, because guys DONT date girls who are easy…I just cant say that enough!!!

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