if you cant let him go?

their is this guy I like and he is my ex I want him back so bad but he has a girlfriend and the way that they look at each other well they really like one another but my little sister saw my ex boyfriends girlfriend KISSING another guy at the Halloween dance at my school what should I tell him?

Answer #1

If his girlfriend is doing that then don’t worry about it. Obviously she doesn’t care that deeply for him and in the end, they will break up. So just be a close friend and wait. When they do break up, just be there for him and that will make you look better in the long run. Besides he’s got to go through that pain, or he will always be pining over her and you don’t want that.

Answer #2

You dont tell him anything. He doesnt need his ex telling him that his girlfriend cheated on him. Trust me, that wont get him to come back to you, in fact he will most likely resent you for sticking your nose where it doesnt belong! Hes no longer a part of your life, so the best thing you can do for everyone, including yourself, is to move on just as your ex has! If he wanted you, he would be with you, not someone else!

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