If Obama's pastor is an issue, so is Palin's pastor, right?

“Palin’s pastor, Larry Kroon, warns God “is going to strike out his hand against” America”…so, apparently, Palin’s pastor hates America & thinks we’re all sinners.

Sorry. This is strike #2 for Palin’s religious leaders…is this the kind of faith she’s brining to the white house? Do I need to expect pillars of salt & brimstone next?

Answer #1

Palin is supposed to appeal to the religious fanatics. That’s part of the reason McCain picked her.

The fact that her pastor, Krarry Loon, is a stereotypical apocalyptic nutjob, is an asset for Palin.

Answer #2

Palin’s Pastor is just preaching what the Bible says. Have you ever heard of John the Baptist. He preached repentance which is the same as warning sinners of God’s judgement. How about Joanah or Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremaih or any of the other prophets God used. They preached what God’s word said ,repent and turn from your evil, wicked ways.

Never one time in their preaching did they use God’s name in vain. Jeremiah Wright took God’s name several times from the pulpit. there is no comparrison in him and Palin’s Pastor. The people he aligns himself with ie… Louis Faracahn these two men are against white people, Did you not hear how the Catholic priest Flagel in Wrights pulpit made remarks about Hillary and Bill Clinton. This and Wright do preach in love they preach in HATE. That’s the difference.

True Bible preachers, preach with compassion to those who are lost. Wright and his crowd preach with hate. Don’t compare Palin’s Pastor to these men.

I can tear up Wright, and Flagels theology. Oh by the way the KJV is the inspired word of God. It would behove you to do a word study to get real understanding of God’s word, but all he will show you at this point is how to be saved. II Co. 2:14

Sadly but true you will someday stand in judgement before a righteous God.

Answer #3

…probably never said that or thought negative towards America in his life…

…never thought negative?

((‘Palin’s pastor, Larry Kroon, warns God ‘is going to strike out his hand against’ America’))

Hmmm… sounds negative to me…

Answer #4

I just hate it when religion comes into politics. unless theres violence involved

(nope, obama’s not muslim, and he’s not part of Al-Qaeda, and he’s also not part of the Bill Ayers Terrorism Institute or wadeva)

Answer #5

Only God knows whether He will bring judgement of a physical nature - God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and He has brought judgement in the past because they refused to turn away from their sin - He is Faithful - to equate him with “God D__n America” - he’s probably never said that or thought negative towards America in his life - if anyone wants to slam, slam away but God is not mocked - He sees and knows the motives of ones Heart.

Note: He doesn’t THINK we are all sinners - God’s word tells us, we are all sinners fallen short of the Glory of God.

Answer #6

This guy is a complete loon. A typical religious zealot. But of course, the press will ignore this. How long was it before McCain, after much public pressure, finally rejected Hagee and Parsley? That’s what it will take for them to report on this nut-job.

Answer #7

Palin’s Pastor is just preaching what the Bible says.

…really? Can you site where ‘America’ is mentioned in the Bible?

Never one time in their preaching did they use God’s name in vain.

‘strike out his hand’ and ‘damn’ are synonymous in this case. You need to learn more about what taking God’s name ‘in vain’ truly means.

Oh by the way the KJV is the inspired word of God.

WRONG. It is the most flawed and mistranslated version of the bible.

Sadly but true you will someday stand in judgement before a righteous God.

WRONG AGAIN. It’s not TRUE, its only what you BELIEVE…

Answer #8

good question. I don’t think her pastor is going to be nearly as big an issue as obama’s was. obama’s pastor was a bit of a nutcase; to the point where even obama publicly disassociated himself with him. palin’s pastor think’s america is going to hell in a handbasket…well, most christian religions think america is on the road to destruction, so this isn’t really extreme thinking, especially among the republicans who’ll be voting for her. so I think nobody’s really going to care, (while leaving my own personal feelings out of the discussion.) anyways, I’m interested to see what others have to say. live teh dream.


Answer #9

Maybe not…she’s changed churches often enough, that she may be more religiously well-rounded than someone who sat in the same seat for 20 years…getting out only when it became a political liability.


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