What are some good ideas to write a scholarship essay about?

Answer #1

I would choose something you are passionate about. That’s when you tend to write with emotion and confidence. It could be a childhood memory, a place you visited when you were young… it could be how you feel about a controversial subject, like religion or politics. Just pick something that you know a lot about.

Answer #2

Well that’s actually what I’m working on in my English class. We were reading example essays that got into university’s and one was about a girl who wrote about Winnie the pooh and told what kinda person she is through the characters. Another essay was about the guys disability( he was missing fingers on his hand) he said how playing the drums made him feel better about himself. Another wrote about her small town and how it traps people in it and how most people don’t live there dreams but she plans to. Then another guy talked about his job n how he “talks to machines”.

Answer #3

A great very many scholarship competition, needs one to write the thesis.The scholarship committee does the reason has many kinds of.Main one is any human’s application scholarship idea.Yes, the whole world program of action “, the community service, the voluntary worker service and the leadership are the important qualities, but you already obtained you the time which considered, everybody you with Taiwan athletics also in all these domain formidable record.Scholarship, therefore the committee will read your scholarship article to see any set from people blooming, will surpass possesses other reasons to choose you.Therefore, the thesis may cause or interrupt a your application procedure part.A successful scholarship article meant reaches as high as above hundreds of thousands of US dollars technical colleges the school record financial assistance, therefore you need to achieve well, causes a your speech real impression.


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