What can I send him to remind him of home?

There is a guy that I am kind of with and I couldn’t care more about him. Only problem is that he lives 2,000 miles away from me. It’s only for two more months and then he is moving back here, but I want to send him something that will make keep me and this place in his memory all the while he is away. Any ideas of things that I could send him? I want to make up like a little “Remember Your Home” type box/basket, but I can’t think of alot of things to put in it… Help?

Answer #1

I think you should send him something that is special to the both of you. Do you have inside jokes or share similar interests? You could send him some pictures of certain places from “back home” and write about what it means to you or him. You could make him a CD of songs that remind you of him or mean something important to you guys. You could even go as far as finding some nice flowers or leaves, drying them in a book for a while and explain that they are from back home (lol that’s kinda taking it far but i still think it could work and it’s kind of unique). Also why not buy Hershey Kisses and attach a quote to every piece about “there’s no place like home” etc etc.. I bet you could find plenty of those on the internet. I don’t know if any of this helps but think outside of the box! Good luck!

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