Should I move with my parents or run away?

I will get straight to the point. My parents want to move to Loa, Utah and I have already told them to wait till I go to college to move since we have been only living in our house for 5 1/2 years. I want to stay away from Wyan County cause those people are not straight. They are all lesbos. So what should I do? Move there or run away?

Answer #1

I’m 16 and i live with 3 of my freinds in a duplex, but sometimes i’v wished i would of never left home

Answer #2

When I was 15 I was in the same mess. The hardest part for me to understand was that I had no business in asking my parents what to do. Their the adults, they get to do whatever they want, and moving is one of them.

I sure did not like it at first, that lastest about 2 months till school started again. Then I was glad that things where going they way they were.

Chin up

Answer #3

You got some good answers on that one Sassy. But then again if you must run away, I have always wanted a daughter. Better stick with your own parents, but there is nothing wrong with complaining. Just because they have the power doesn’t mean they shouldn’t take your concerns into consideration, Why do they want to move? Is it employment related? The reasons can be very important to the decision. Colt.

Answer #4

Running away will not solve anything. You are not old enough to make enough money to support yourself and drooping out of school is never an option. you only have to live with your parents for 3 more years and then off to collage and that is an experience you should not miss out on. It is hard to believe but childhood comes and goes so fast that you will be making your own way before you know it and your life will be so much better if you just stick it out.

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