I want to be pretty

Here is a picture of me. I am losing weight right now. I am on a strict diet and everything. What can I do to make myself more attractive? Dont be afraid to hurt my feelings. Trust me, I was a model when I was younger and I am used to harsh advice.

Answer #1

If you are saying you want to be pretty I know your pain. People tell me that I’m pretty all the time but I always find something that can be better. I think that you will only realize how pretty you are when you realize that the TV and VIDEO hoes are airbrushed and plastic and that you will never be the prettiest girl in the world. Thats what worked 4 me.

Answer #2

A few photos on this site, I’m sure, are hardly reflective of the “real you”. But based on your “photos”, I would say try to smile more often.

Based on your question of how to make yourself attractive in a more positive fashion, I would say work on caring more for others. Your most valuable asset is what you are like on the “inside”. That, in itself, will bring true happiness in your life and it will automatically be reflected on the outside.

I suppose it would boil down to the age old question, “Who” do you want to be more attractive to… yourself, or others? If your answer is “others” , then work more on your inner beauty. It will always make the natural beauty that you already have on the outside all that much more attractive.


Answer #3

lol girl you ARE HOT!!!dont worry at all just dont be mean at all be nice and yes you are one pretty girl you are already pretty and yeah you could be prettyer just keep working at it just like you are now :) but never give up on that just be more nice to guys and try not to use so much make-up but if you really ned to then iam sure your going to also if you really want to be attactive show more of your T*its(my bad didnt mean to say that way) and drees more like a hot girl that help

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