I thought I could do it.

this guy called for my sons dad and he later called back for me. the dad and I are not in a relationship. he said he was attracted to me and went after waht he saw. I knew from talikng with my sons dad the guy had a girlfriend. we had sex and it was good but know I like him and I want him for me. I thought I could just kickit but it cahnged. he says the girl wants to marry but he states she has a bad attitude. I am so comfortrable around him and it ahs been a while since I had someone make me feel so comfortable. I believe he any become mines, they have been together for 4 years. yet he says she argues and nags too much. wishfulthinking uhh!

Answer #1

I have said my policy on these things several times, and I’ll say it again: you do not get involved with someone if they’re committed to someone else at the same time. It’s not fair or respectful towards his relationship with his girlfriend, do you want to be the “other woman”? Also, if he’s cheated on his girlfriend who he’s been with for 4 years, how can you expect him to be faithful to you? He must care about his girlfriend a lot to have been with her for so long, and yet he STILL cheated on her? I don’t think you want to wait around to find out what he decides, you deserve someone who will be committed to you and only you, and who you can be certain will remain loyal throughout your relationship. Good luck!

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