How to stop talking to myself?

I talk to my self.. sumtimes constantly and I phico because sumtimes I start yelling at my computer and like sumtimes I start talking really really really fast omg 0.0 how can I like stop talking to myself???

Answer #1

I don’t think there is anything wrong with you, I talk to myself all the time! So many people do it, if it is considered psycho then it’s perfectly normal to be psycho! I really don’t believe anything is wrond with you.

Answer #2

haha, I talk to myself too, lol. I also talk to my tv, like I’ll be watching TV or my favorite tv show “What I like about you” and I’ll just start talkin to it and getin mad at it saying things like “ vince.. you knw you love her, how can you lett her walk away” and yea. I also talk to myself. I really don’t knw how to tell you to stop, but yea, I knw how you feel. lol

xoxo tela

Answer #3

I do that too/ what helps is to try and calm your mind down or concentrate on one thing like counting oh and wearing a blind flold can help sometimes/ I don’t think you r phico though

Answer #4

I talk to myself all the time 2. sometimes I dont even realize it lol. ya I think something is really wrong with me!!!

Answer #5

why do you want to stop talking to your self because I talk to myself all the time it’s the best way for me to think.

Answer #6

You can talk to yourself, answer yourself and even argue with yourself. When you start losing the arguments is when you need to worry.

Answer #7

hahahahah I ALWAYS talk to myself… [:

Answer #8

I talk to myself almost constantly. It is how I get ideas for my book.

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