I started a clothing line...need help!!!

ok I started a clothing line with a friend. I came up with some designs and need more but I’ve tried thinking of more designs for my shirts but its to hard to think of a new drawing/designs thats not been thought of. I need some ideas and advice. so plsss help me out!

Answer #1

Hmmm, Think of what other people would like to wear. Like, since its summer, think of something light and mutrul. Try not to make everything have a design. You can have plain V necks or something.

Flannels are good as well Also, try having accessories with your clothing line. Do you have a website for your clothing line? Remember to advertise

Answer #2

It needs your creative skill You need a real partner, easy to get in touch with, to exchange various information about cut, fabric, color, logos, labels, prices and minimum quantity.

Have you tried Ellen Clothing or Customink?

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