I need some advice!

I was wondering if anyone out there has some encouraging words for me?. I going through a tough time to were nothing seems to be going right, my family fighting, I cant find a job and bills are due, my friends are fading when im in desparate need of there help, and my boyfriend is freakin out on me. Im at the point to where I want to lock my self in my room and cry all the time, just for get it all is happening, but I know its not the right thing to do! So please if anyone can please help! Im 19 and it seems my life is falling further away and I cant hold on much longer!

Answer #1

ok breathe in and out, 1st question: you dont live with your mama? if no thats where you screwed up…u shud stay with your mama as long as it takes until you are sure you can support urself finacially. 2nd thing is times are hard and there are many limited jobs out there so if that means you need to do something you hate like cleaning, you shud do it if its gonna put food on the table, and obviously if your friends are like ignoring you in your time of need there not really good friends…and if your family is fighting actually in your WHOLE situation im telling you that GOD will fix everything and he puts these things in our life as a test to see if we really do have faith and believe he’ll make everything alrite! so sweetie just no that there is someone praying for you out there. JUST HOLD ON, PRAY,AND TRUST THAT GOD WILL LEAD you THROUGH THIS SITUATION!!!

    much prayers,
            Alexus L.
Answer #2

Ok your 19 get ahold of your self.These are just little challenges in every day life.They only get more challenging when you have kids and a family. Ok this is what you do set your famiy and friends free the ones whom come back to be with you in your time of need is the ones you need to be with and the ones who dont is the ones that is holding you down. When I say set them free I mean tell them you are tired of there stuff that they are hurting you deeply and explain how they are not there for you. Dont Let these little tidbits eat at you because if they do you will never get far in life. If your always low on money then go to just the things you have to have in life until you can afford more things like just a home and car.No cable,phone or internet for right now.Good Luck

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