Do you have any suggestions?

I am in the 9th grade, 14 years old, 15 in april, I weigh 93 pounds. I think I need to lose some leg weight, and gain bigger boobs. And maybe get my stomach looking sexy. Any suggestions?

Answer #1

im not saying I need to lose weight.. just some leg fat thats all..

Answer #2

You don’t need to lose weight, at all. Also you cant make your boobs grow without making other parts of your body grow too. You can buy padded bras to enhance the appearance of them though.

Answer #3

all these people are saying you don’t need to lose weight but how would they know? for all we know you’re four feeet tall

check your bmi with a BMI calculator you can find one pretty much anywhere on the internet, if its healthy or underweight I would just go with eating right and exercising to tone up.. also as far as your boobs are concerned strenghthening your pectoral muscles will enhance your size.

Answer #4

um btw your underweight you dont need to loose weight do I need to say this again UNDERWEIGHT dont LOOSE more weight being underweight is as bad as being over weight

boobs btw is fat 100% fat,!

Answer #5

you can’t lose anymore weight! and if you try to, your boobs will just get smaller.

Answer #6

for your on goOd if you keep losing weight you will go to the hospital… You dont Need to lose anymore weight what you should do is to be in a heatly weight!!! gOod luck!!!=]

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