I'm 13 and I still don't have my period

Im 13,moody irritable and no period… Help me please!

Answer #1

13 isnt late to be having your period, I got mine when I was 11 but I really wish they would just go away!! There nothin but a pain! Give it time im sure it wont be long before it happens chick. :)

Answer #2

yup - sounds like those hormones are ‘a workin’! but it’s doesn’t necassarily mean that your period is gunna’ be tomorrow…

just relax, 13 isn’t late to be starting, 15 isn’t late to be starting…

and moodyness is a by-product of being a teenager (and an adult - actually, everyone gets a bit moody sometimes ;)…don’t fret!


Answer #3

Heyy, trust me you don’t want them. they are really annoying. I didnt get mine till I was 15! your lucky you havent got em yet lol. Don’t worry. they will come all in good time. =)

Answer #4

it will eventually come cause this is normal

Answer #5

it’ll sneak up on you soon

Answer #6

It could be a sign that your period is on its way.

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