I have stopped having my periods ???

I m 13 and I havnt had my periods since june I had dem in may and now its july 18 I know I m not pregnent cause I havnt had sex or any kind of sexual attempt !!! I m really worried pls answer !!

Answer #1

Never herd of this tipe of thing before, but hopefully it’s nothing to worry about. But ralk to your mum and go and see you doctor and take it from their hope this helps x

Answer #2

Sometimes when you first start, they can be irregular… Sometimes it could be a sign of a problem, like hormonal imbalances, you being underweight, etc, or it could be just normal… You’d have to talk to your doctor to find out for sure…

Answer #3

there’s nothing to worry about..its cause you didn’t enter yet the woman cycle…sometimes you might not have your period for lots of months…your cycle will be stabilized around your 17 18 years…then you will know for sure when you get it and if anythings wrong..but for now sweetheart you got nothing to worry about even if you are sexually active or not.sometimes you will have the pains and not get your period…but like I said its only natural :)

Answer #4

I used to have a really irregular cycle and I missed 6months once but am now on the pill. As you’ve only just started getting them they won’t be regulated yet and it’s really nothing to worry about! You’ve only missed 2months! However, if you are worried go to the doctors just to make sure. The stress of worrying that something is wrong could cause it to be even more delayed. Hope this helps x

Answer #5

ou didnt do it,it wont happen..so no worries..maybe your periods are just irregular

Answer #6

go talk to your doctor about polycystic ovary syndrome i went through the same thing its completely treatable

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