I have no clue what to do.

Me and my boyfriend have been going out for 8 months now and he fingers me a lot and we make out a lot too but we also kinda have phone sex I like it when we tlk like that and I know he dose to but I never now the right question to ask him would sumbody please help!!

Answer #1

Oh, I used to do this a lot. but I did it on the Internet. The guy loved it but all I got was sore fingers (from typing). But, since you are on the phone and he IS your boyfriend (I wouldn’t just talk to a stranger like this) but you could just tell him what you’d like for him to do to you. Visualize and tell him as if it were happening then. Don’t be shy, just be honest and be very descriptive about what you want him to do and what you would do to him. You’ll know if you are saying the right things, if the only thing he says is ‘Yes, Baby’. . .stuff like that. I could tell you what to say, but you should use your own imagination. You know your boyfriend (or you should).

Answer #2

uhh you can just tell him what you want to do to him and ask him like is size and stuff. im sorry I dont have many ideas because I have never done it before nor do I plan on it but you could watch like sex and the city. I know they give some examples there lol. hope I might have helped a little and if you need other advice fun mail me ~kaitlyn~

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