I Hate My Twin

I have a twin and it’s driving me nuts. Everyone expects us to be alike, instead of seperate people. Everyone even mixes us up and I hate it.I dont want to get a haircut because then ill look more like him.And don’t say I sound mean because we’re supposed to be best friends or something. Hes always trying to put me down, and its like a competition with him to try to be “cooler” than me in school. So he always spreads fake rumors about me, and people believe him because hes my twin.Hes making me miserable. help!

Answer #1

I know how you feel. My twin sister and I were COMPLETE opposites, no one ever understood why we weren’t close everyone always thought since we were twins we should have been best friends and alike. We went through that stage of being mean to each other when we were in junior high and when we first started high school always trying to out do one another. We eventually grew out of the whole pettyness BS and became really close. All I can say is I really hope that things will get better for you and your brother, I know how you feel just try and avoid situations that make you feel more miserbale than you already are. Maybe try and find something that the both of you enjoy thats not competitive what so ever. Try and talk to him when yall are alone and let him know how you feel. Your young so chances are that yall will grow closer as yall get older :) Right now the both of you are trying to be your “own” person and define who you are and that alone can be really hard to go through. And even though he makes you miserable at the moment try and look past all of this because for years I resented my sister, and now she is not here anymore and that hurts more than anything. Good luck hun

Answer #2

hes your twin. tell him how you feel. and make sure he knows that him putting you down and making you look stupid doesnt make him an cooler.

Answer #3

I think that you need to talk to your twin about your feelings. Have a serious talk with him. Clearly explain how you feel.

Answer #4

dont sweat it I literatly hate my twin , he is such a dick he thinks about himself and tells me he will break my bones which he almost has, he also hits me. we are totaly different he likes the crappy army and I like to sing and act in westend but he never supports me , so I just try to annoy him now because I cannot give a f* about my twin anymore , trust me they will never listen to how you feel , im sorry but its the truth for example my twin and any of my friends with twins they ar all selfish and complete dickheads we have had a few laughs but over than that he makes me feel like im alone and takes my friends all I literatly have is my girlfriend and she knows what im getting at as she is a twin aswell we are both in the same path and feel the same way, try find someone you can talk to (try to make you feel better) like I did with my girlfriend we share everything :)

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