I hate being a loser

I’m a 14 years old girl and people think I’m a loser because I’m not popular , I don’t really talk to other people and I do have friend but not the kind I can trust because one of them made fun of me behind my back .And a sports class I agrea im lame at it but not at every sports and I always get pick last and it sucks!I’m not really an ugly girl or anything but I just can’t understand why people think I’m a loser.And my grades are ok .I’m just totaly INVISIBLE and I feel so sad about.Maybe I’m just trying to hard but if I don’t things could get worst.Wherever I see someone that thinks I’m such a loser and never talk , I try to proove to them that I’m not who they think I am so I try to talk more and all but still things are the same. And I’m so depress everytime.

Answer #1

Einstein was a school drop out!!.. he was considered a looser.. what is he known for.. being a genious!!.. Leonardo Devinci.. People thought he was mad.. He kept himself locked away and he invented things.. HE even painted the Mona lisa.. Today he is considered a genius.. So dont worry about other peoples opinions.. you will be done in school one of these years and when you look for emplyment.. they will be looking for people that do the job to the best of their ability.. Not who was popular in school… So in the work place doing your thing is the “popularity contest you are looking to win.. Not who gets invited to the parties and who does not.. When you graduate.. and have your ten year reunion.. look at the popular kids.. they will have nothing.. some will have something.. but you as an individual will have everything.. So . you are not a looser.. just a genious waiting to be discovered.. Enjoy life.. and be there for one person.. YOU

Answer #2

Anyone who makes fun of you behind your back is NOT your friend - you need to project a positive, likeable attitude - if what they’re saying about you is not true (they don’t really know you (inner person), just ignore and move on…I wish you the best !!

Answer #3

I’ll be your friend. People consider me weird but its ok because I like being different. And I have friends, they be nerdy too for the most part. But I don’t know, dress more like the outkasts at your school and read manga. The anime kids will take you in. Or the baby goths. lets talk.

Answer #4

You won’t know these people in 10 years. Focus on your education, volunteer or join an extracurricular activity that you like and you’ll meet people worthy of your friendship. Go to college for something that you love. It will pay off in the end. How do I know? Because I experienced what you are going through. P.S. Don’t ever call yourself a loser again.

Answer #5

f**k all them!! I believe everyone is beautiful in there own way. your not a loser, they are, they are losers because they are losing out on a great girl. if they just would sit and talk with you, they would see that your a wonderful person. you need to become active in makin your self noticed. go up to someone you dont know and introduce yourself. then you’ll have one more person, and they’ll spread you to their friends. and when it starts to slow, go say hi to someone else. become an optimist. look foward in the day your living right now. dont plan to far ahead. life changes everyday, you just need to grab onto it an push it in the direction you want it to go in.

Answer #6

you are nto a loser that word shouldnt be used in your voc I bet your a wonderful person you have to be you get good greadz thats wats up friends come and go but who you r stays forever you dont have to be popular a lot of the kids who are known are mostly depression and looking for attention trust me but one more thing talk , smile be your self when your not your self you become a LOSER

Answer #7

don’t try to talk more… just act like you don’t care Being popular isn’t everything. Act confident, try to be yourself. I’m sorry if my answer is short. But if you need any more help, just talk to me.

Answer #8

Learn to knit. Seriously, it is so empowering and you can make friends with other knitters. Or a similar hobby, but knitting is the best. Have fun and good luck.

Answer #9

im 14 and im the same way. I have 1 friend and he is retarded. thats why im on the computer o much!

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