How can I stop fantacising about my cousin?

for the apst long while I’ve non stop faniticed about my cousin and me doing… well you know and im only 13!!! shes 12 but almost 13 were like 7 months apart lol but umm iknow its weird but I dont know what to do I non stop do it I’ve tried not to the only way I get some peace is when shes in Perth, AUS. but she went 2day and it hasnt stopped yet. BTW the naughty stuff are dirty 2 if you get my meaning and it doesnt help that I can actualy desribe every detail of her nude body because I’ve seen it 1000 times!!! im not joking the ammount of times I’ve walked in on her nude I might as well mae it my job lol 5 bucks a step in :D shes super hot and were still in 7th grade (Aericas 8th grade) we dotn go to the same school.. thank god but next year we r… :’( which of cause will make me fanitice about her even more. I feel so sick but I actually liek faniticing about her lol exactly why I feel sick about it. BTW if anythign real does happen it isnt considered incest its in the immediate family and im religeous so god syas its okay to do it because he doesnt mention leviticus it also names the cloase relatives which are not allowed so anythign not in the lsit are not concidered incest and cousins aren’t!!! and im ready to blow to her how I’ve been thinkign about her though the ammount of times I se her I think she woudl know because of all the bonems I get aroudn her lol I don’t know why I do it even though shes very cute and hot also her personallyity is perfect. shes not that religeos liek me I dont really do much in my relegeon lol JW! but I dont knwo what to do I want to tell hwer what I’ve been thinking about her but I don’t know what it could do to our friend ship we’re liek best friends very close cousin I mena close it I dont know what the f*ck I should do!!! lol this is very great at relieveing stress I was plannign on telling her l8er this week but then she went to perth to visit her mum (my uncle and aunt are divborsed 10 years. her mothers a complete slut and her latest husband and her are already in marriage cousiling after 3 months after the weddign lol) but please I dont know what to do its all bottled up inside of me and if I dont get it out im gonna blow infornt of everyone lol

Answer #1

Oh when I say long while I mena years as long as I can remember! before I even entered puberty when te hormones do teir stuff and organization!

Answer #2

it’ll stop sooner or l8r your just going through lots and lots of hormones or somethin

Answer #3

dont stress dude. I went through all that (and worse) its natural and normal.

Answer #4

I assume you want to stop?

Answer #5

If you have a good relationship with her, tell her how you feel. If not, masterbation and time will get you through it. Good luck!

Answer #6

well I told her because they wouldnt go away. She slapped me a few hundred times and every now and then slaps again but now I’ve stopped :D

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