I dont know whether to go out with him or not?

The thing is theres this guy I realy like, hes likes me too and hes told our mutual mate he gona ask me out but I dont know to say yes or not because hes realy fit, cute, nice, funny, everything I could want tbh but he lives like 2 hours away and hes more exsperienced then I am, like I’ve never gone further then kissing and hes had sex, im stil a virgin, so I duno what to do, I know hes definetly gona ask me our next time I see him but I duno what to say, I realy like him but I dont think its gona work x

Answer #1

Dont let a silly thing like who has more experience stop you from datting a guy, If you really like him then go for it. But befor you say yes let him know how you feel. And dont ever feel pressure to loose your virginity. Take it slow with this guy , If you ever need some one to talk to or have any questions just fun mail me :) . Hope I helped. Yours turly, Demika Ray

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