I don't really fit in.

Heey I’m 15, and I’m starting to feel a bit neglected really. I have a best friend and we’ve been freinds for 13 years, and we were part of a group not long ago and we all got on great, I loved being part of a group because to be fair, it can get a bit boring having the same company all the time. But me and my best friend fell out with the other two a few weeks back, and my best friend is in with another group of people and I feel like I don’t fit in at all. My best friend has a great figure and is really pretty and has perfect skin etc, gets all the attention, and me, well I don’t have the perfect complexion really and I’m a bit curvier than my friend. Any tips on how I could get some new friends?

Answer #1

Its hard with society the way it is today, kids want to hang out with the perfect people and what not… I had this happen when i was in school, because i have a cleft lip and pallet which is a minor birth defect where the upper lip doesnt close all they way… so i have a scar there… and well lets just say i was made fun of and didnt fit in at all. You are young and your features will change and if you are yourself and don’t care what other people think about you… it will turn out okay… you will find more friends… but just be yourself. I would just concentrate on school, and be yourself and when you get a bit older things will start to change for the better… have faith!

ps. I added you so if you ever want to talk about problems or anything you just shoot me fun mail anytime hun :) But i’ll be gone after aug 24 ill be in military training until Decemeber.

good luck!

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