I don't belong?

So I spent my whole summer in California with my grandparents and aunts. Now I’m back at home. I feel so strange and weird. When I was in Cali; I got all this confidence thanks to my grandparents. Back here.. it’s soo different, everyones jsut putting me down. I feel like I don’t below here. Like in Cali I was told I grew and that I looked taller. For once I felt good about myself and I was proud. BUt when I got back at home.. my dad and my sisters are saying I look the same.. and that I didn’t grow at all. I’ve had a lot of pressure about it and I just feel like I don’t belong.. what should I do.. have you guys ever felt this way?

Answer #1

Consider this, if you’ve been back from California for a long period of time, your parents probably don’t want to notice the change that’s taken place while you were out there. When I go places, I get like that sometimes. That doesn’t happen for me to often now that I’m in my early 20’s. My parents were like that with me when I moved out. Don’t worry about this too much, parents don’t like to see their kids grow. You can’t stay little forever. If your still having problems, you can always funmail me. You’re human. You probably notice that you’re routine has changed along with your thoughts, and emotions. Your parents don’t like the change in you too well it sounds like. I agree that when you go somewhere for a period of time, you feel so different while you’re at home. Part of it could be that your grandparents and Aunts haven’t seen you in so long. Try not to take this personally. Parents are like that.

Answer #2

yo I felt the same way, I live in michigan ( it sucks its all backwards in mich) anyways I went 2 Florida for a holiday/cruise, I got a girlfreind, 10 friends I had a posse (not joking) and I have like so many memories yet when I go back 2 michigan im like a nobody… go florida :D

Answer #3

your grandparents and aunts havent seen you in a while have they? that probably why they say you have grow and stuff. you live with you family up until the beginning of the summer, correct? maybe that’s why, you dont notice change in the people you live with as much as in people you haven’t seen in a while. maybe you really didn’t grow much over the summer, or maybe they really didn’t notice.

 I didn't notice my brother's voice changing, but we went to see my aunt, who we haven't seen in a year, and she noticed. 
 whenever I stay away from home for a few days, or a week, or two weeks, I feel weird, like I;m out of place, cause I haven't been there in a while. how long have you been back? 
 I suggest that you give yourself a couple of days to get back to your normal routine, if you haven;t been back for long, but if you've been back for a long time and still feel weird at home, consider your options, make a pro and con list, 
 if you really want to go live with you grandparents. remember, you went to visit them to have fun and relax, you dont know how they will react to your normal everyday lifestyle and school problems or if they'll be strict or relaxed, etc. fun mail me if you are still stuck or need more adivice. good luck!=D
Answer #4

The thing is.. it’s the opposite.. I’ve been over at my grandparents and aunts for 2 months.. noticing the changes.. shouldn’t they be my parents? Because I haven’t seen them for so long? Instead it’s the opposite. Noticing the changes are my grandparents and aunt? Just confusing.

Answer #5

Try to realize that when you were in California you got to be your own person. Then you go back home and maybe your family realized that you are growing up and they didn’t like that so to keep you being the person you were before they tell you that you are exactly the same.

Try not to stress about it, this is their problem, not yours. Keep true to yourself and really, can’t you look in a mirror and see that you have changed? Why do you need insensitive people to tell you? You probably also know that your thinking and thoughts have changed, this is just the growing up process.

Most parents try to keep their kids little forever and when they realize that they’re not needed as much anymore they kind of freak out. Don’t take it personally, just be you.

Answer #6

go back to cali. I love it here. :]

Answer #7

Haha.. I wish. my whole family is here. and school is starting.

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