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I do have a plug
I need to know what I need to do when I have a plug for my cell phone to get my pics of it
Pics of what? To put the pics from the cell to the computer? Plug in the USB, one end to the cell and the other end to the computer. Then go to Start –> Run (if on Windows), and find the cell phone as a drive. Double click and voila.
What does the red plug on a tv do? - 1 Answers
(Next to yellow-video and white-sound)
If I buy a new modem can I plug it into my computer or not? - 1 Answers
I wanna buy a new modem and plug in by myself to my computer because my provider gave me a new modem but maybe it was used al...
What will happen if I try to plug in my new Ipod on my old Itunes? - 3 Answers
will I have to download a new Itunes and lose all my songs? Please and Thank you!
Did they really pull the plug on firefox 2 - 1 Answers
I read an article about that,is that all true because I was about to switch back from 3.
Mic Help, how to plug it in? - 3 Answers
I just got a mic today and I don't know how to plug it in and how to activate it ( that is if I have to). please help
Where do I plug my headset/mic into the computer? - 2 Answers
I have this headset with a mic on it, like the one they had in the drive through. Where do I plug it in so I can talk to my f...
Microphone I can plug into my computer, any sites I can use it on? - 2 Answers
Hey well I just found a microphone I can plug into my computer in my closet. Haha. Well I was wondering if anybody knew any c...
Can I save my limewire files onto a Rogers plug in? - 3 Answers
My computer is messed up and I really hate downloading all my songs over again is there a way I can save all my limewire file...
camera is plugged in the computer, but it wont turn on - 4 Answers
my camera is plugged in the computer, but it wont turn on, it has fully charged batteries, and it want let me put my pictures...
camera is plugged into the computer but it wont work - 5 Answers
okay so I plug my camera in right? yah well the box thing never pops up, so how am I supposed to upload pics. and I've tried...
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