I'm really scared about dying

im really scared about dying, and I beleive you will realise if your dead cause you wont be alive but everyone else is like no when your dead, your dead! cant feel anything.. and I get really upset and cry. the only thing I know that has died was my mouse, and I didnt even play with him much but I cryed for hours non-stop.. what if my faimly died? I’d never stop crying.. its really bothering me, does anyone have anything to say to make me not cry when thinking about it?

im even crying now just thinking about writing about thinking about it. =[


Answer #1

Are you a religious person? If so, find some comfort with your pastor/rabbi/other. If not, explore options. Something that helps me through the night is a little quote I found. It goes, “Death is not the end of your journey, but the beginning of another.” whether you equate this to heaven or reincarnation ar something in between, give it some thought and tell me if it helps.

Answer #2

well everything has to die sometime, nothing lives forever but you shouldnt be worrying so much, its definantly not healthy try to realise that youve probably still got quite a lot of years left to live so just make sure you make it worthwhile spend it with the people you love, and doing the things you love to do

Answer #3

I drive myself insane with panic. We can write a book together “all the terrrible things that never happened”. haha relax

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