I bled after my boyfriend fingered me.

Ok, so my boyfriend and I were having some fun in his car, and he started fingering me really hard, and when we got done I went to the bathroom, and there was a medium amount of blood, it hurts really bad to “go”, and I’m really sore “down there”. Is it possible that my hymen is broken, or is there something more to this?

Answer #1

First are you a virgin? it prob hurts because you got your cherry poped!!! Dont sweat it!

Answer #2

thanks for the conformation. now does anyone have any advice on how to ease the pain? I can barely pee without crying, and I can’t even sit comfortably. I never planned for this to happen, so I’m kind of lost here.

Answer #3

Its aj,the hymen is reajy sensetive,and its breaks when you have sex for first time or jump from a hight,every thing that have presure on it might break the hymen,so I think 99% that you lost your virginity,thats all

Answer #4

u broke your hymen thts all

Answer #5

if you haven’t had sex then it’s a probability he broke your hymen. Which might be a good thing because then you can lesser or avoid the pain when you have sex for the first time

Answer #6

cherries aint nice

lucky for me I still have mine

Answer #7

lve you lost your v to a finger


Answer #8

he popped your chery

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