I believe in vampires and every one thinks I am a freak because of it do you think it is weird ???

Answer #1

My opinion, I don’t think you’re wierd, just misguided and hope you don’t continue down that dangerous road.

Answer #2

People that are drawn to blood, or feel that they are vampires, have occultism in their background. I recenly met a young man that had this problem, he is saved now, and delivered from this tendency, but, he wants to reach out to others that are experiencing this phenomonon. I will invite him to this post.

Answer #3

Vampires,Witches and mythical creatures do exist. I believe in all of them. In fact I am one. I am a witch. However, I don’t think you are weird, I have the same problem with being a witch. HOWEVER, They arn’t the same as mythology.

Answer #4

Given that they’re explicitly a fictional creation, yes, I think it’s kind of weird to think they really exist. Much like thinking leprechauns are more than an advertising gimmick for Lucky Charms cereal.

Answer #5

Thank you Silverwings for inviting me to this.

First, please allow me to make a distinction here.

There are vampires and then there are vampyres.

The spelling here does not truly matter, but it does allow for a dividing line which is needed. The first listed, vampires, are mythical creatures that do not exist. These roam the night looking for strong men and beautiful women to drain the blood from. They are afraid of garlic and crosses. If they walk into the sun light they will burst in to flames. They have super strength and speed. They can fly and morph into wolves, rats, bats, and mist. These just do not exist, plain and simple.

Vampyres on the other hand do exist. They can be divided into two camps, but before I do so I will lay a basic background so that you may better understand what they are. They are not dead. They are human beings that are most definitely alive. You cannot be turned into a vampyre. You are either born one or you are not. So for those of you who want to be vamps but aren’t cannot be “turned”. The cross phobia does actually have some basis in reality, but for almost all reading this it wouldn’t matter either way.

There are two general types of vamps. Sanguine vamps are as their name implies the type to feed on blood. Pranic vampyres feed on “prana” or energy. This energy is also known as Qi and Chi in the East. Both groups require food of course.

Sanguine vampyres, or “sangs” as they are commonly referred, require blood for their bodies to function best. The amount needed varies from sang to sang, though the amount is many time measured in ounces. Never have I heard a credible account of a sang completely draining a human, though I can imagine that it has happened.

Pranic vamps seem to have the ability to feed without knowing it. For both camps to go without feeding may cause migraines, lethargy, and other symptoms.

As far as “gifts” are concerned much of what is reported is unsubstantiated. The only time I can think that a vamp would have unsual strength or speed is during a particular event best avoided if possible. If this is ever observed run to the nearest well populated area and contact silverwings or my self. The more benign gifts are not as worrisome. They may include any of the senses being heightened. My history being what it is I still have some residual effects; an extraordinary sense of smell, and also my hearing used to rival that of my dog, I also tend to heal rather quickly, sometimes too quickly. These effects are fading over time which is nice because, there are many things that are best left unheard and most of all not smelled.

Now for the most important part of this. Few ever ask the important questions.

Where, or rather, what does vampyrism come from?

The answer is oft ignored. To get it one must look at the nature of things as they are and not as we would like to perceive them.

There is good and there is evil. There is God and there is Satan.

(though in the same sentence they are not at all equals)

All good things come from God. All evil things are distorted and taken from that which is good.

All humans are born with a need for Christ, His life, and His forgiveness.

I have come to determine through my own experiences and observations that vampyrism is a spiritual disease that shows more acutely the need for life. Also that this spiritual disease makes one more vulnerable to demons and possession.

I am continuously learning about this so I may find that the nature of vampyrism is not what once thought, but that is what I have concluded.

If you have any questions further, comments, or have anything to add go ahead and post it or you can contact me at codyjlcc (at) gmail dot com.

Also, one more thing, learn about what is good before you venture into what is evil.

Answer #6

vampires rock. I don’t think your weird.

Answer #7

…tooo maaannny commas. owww…

Answer #8

It depends on your definition of ‘vampire’

Answer #9

I’m sure the reason you think that is because you’re young and because of all the hype about the Twilight series.

Answer #10

nope they are awesome

Answer #11

that was cute. I liked it.

Answer #12

Vampyres do exist and they are real. There are millions on stardoll that will eat you if you insult them :P

Answer #13

This is way over my head, but, I would like to add that evil exists, and it takes many forms, always trying to distort reality, and consume, the affections of the one it is attacking. I def. believe in the reality of demons, just as I believe in the reality of angels, I think if we were more open to the reality of the supernatural, and how it affects us, we could make more spiritual progress.

We as a society, tend to label things, in convenient compartments, following various remedies, etc. to try and find a cure, when I feel it boils down to a simple understanding of the nature of evil, and how it affects the human race, as a whole.

How many forms can evil be found?

How many ways can it distort, what is right and good ?

How succeptible are we to evil, in all its forms?

Who is suceptible ?

The ones in our society that are very strong, denounce evil, and pretend it does not exist.

But, what about the ones that it does effect?

Who will help them?

Who will come to their aid?

Where can they find the answers that they seek?

Do they not matter?

What makes one vunerable to evil?

How does evil enter ?

What is the power that keeps evil at bay?

Just because we have not been affected by a cetain problem, does not mean that that problem, does not exist.

Answer #14

Vampyres on the other hand do exist.

Uh oh… credibility is shot…

The answer is oft ignored. To get it one must look at the nature of things as they are and not as we would like to perceive them. There is good and there is evil. There is God and there is Satan

Oop… credibility is shot again…

All humans are born with a need for Christ, His life, and His forgiveness.

Whoa… credibility is riddled with bullets… and bleeding out…

I have come to determine through my own experiences and observations that vampyrism is a spiritual disease that shows more acutely the need for life. Also that this spiritual disease makes one more vulnerable to demons and possession.

Credibility is dead…

Answer #15

There are people that drink blood but no vampires like twilight (awsome book). Witches exist but not like charmed.

Loved twilight can’t wait to read new moon

Answer #16

there a vampires in a way, like I love meatal said , not the kind with no reflection, but there are people who sleep in coffins, strongly prefer night, had their teeth changed surgically to be vamp teeth , and wont eat garlic, but I dought they drink blood ,so in a way there are vampires but in a way there arent

Answer #17

I agree with amblessed. there are people who think they r “vampires” believing in them are fine. but if you mean the whole supernatural vampires who dont have reflections, scared of garlic etc etc then hate to break your bubble, but I dont think they exist…

Answer #18

Just wondering .. have you read Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse or Breaking Dawn by Stephanie meyer? Because if your talking about those kinds of vampire thne you are definately not weird and I refure to belive that Edward Cullen (sorry if you havent read the books because I wont be making any sense!) doesnt exists!!! x

Answer #19

sounds like you’re really caught up in popular culture at the moment… don’t let fantasy become your reality. you have to be able to distinguish the two. if you’re having trouble doing that…then you’ve got a problem.

Answer #20

I do too and i always have

Answer #21

I do too and i always have

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