I am sick of school!

I am sick of getting made fun of. I don’t know why people will start sayin stuff bout me when they see me and don’t even know me. People know I wear a lot of black and there always sayin that I am goth [Maybe its true so what?] But they always make a big deal outa it. They would start laughing at me and sayin mean stuff that get me sooo mad that I seriously want to pour water on their heads!!! hehe lol=D But what should I do? I don’t even know the people that make fun of me! They just see me and ‘’BAM!’’ they’ll just start laughing and makin fun of me! What should I do? Please help? Thanks.

Answer #1

I agree with evrybody here ! wow you guys are good in giving advice huh? Hey cici…just take it easy . I noe you can =)

Answer #2

Thanks everyone! :)

Answer #3


Answer #4


Answer #5

just forget about it there is a little thing I like to call karma. and if you cant get over it vent in a journal about your feelings then once your done tear it up and throw it away.

Answer #6

just keep walking. I know exactly how you feel. but when I first started wearing black and stuff, everyone thought it was wierd. I don’t care what people think, no matter what they say cause I know exactly who I am and I know exactly who deserves to be my friend. Don’t let them bother you. after a while people will see that, that’s who you are and they can’t do anything about it. If you let it get to you, they’ll for sure try to bother you more and more. I’m not saying it’s going to happen over night, but just be patient. Good luck!! :)

Answer #7

We think you should change your behaviour ‘because people treat you the way you treat them. So be more sociable! They laugh at u? Say something in response & laugh with them. Don’t be so pessimistic, your main problem is inside u. Of course you can pay no attention, but still it’ll be better to speak with specialist about your problem (or at least with parents).

Answer #8

I think you should shut them out and if they come near you pumble them!

I am a witch and I am a freak so I know exactly what you are going through. All I do is say “go tell everyone” Because I don’t care and ya know what? they got suspended the next day.

Also because of the fact I am BI they make fun of me but stay away because I make them think I can hurt them. (which I can but it is not something I want to do)

I hope this helps!

Answer #9

I feel the same as you, I hate school so much, I get bullied a lot one reason for me getting bullied is my last name is ‘Gooch’ which is another word for guys private bits.

But I’m in my last year at school, I no you have most likely told parents and teachers (if you haven’t you must!)

Last year I was crushed in my RS (Religous Studies) lesson and I had internal bleeding and couldn’t walk (wasn’t aloud to by the doctor) and it only happened because they were messing around and pushed everyone into me!!

Basically don’t worry to much the teachers and your family should be able to help you, although mine dont :(

I wish you good luck x

Answer #10

I know exactly what they’re doing. The more you let them get into your head, the more they’re going to do it. They like seeing you suffer, I’d guess your call it. Show them YOU DON’T CARE. Don’t let it bother you.

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