How to switch from baby formula to cow's milk.

My son is almost 9 months old and I would like advice on weaning him off of formula. Can any one help me?

Answer #1

If you give him an eight ounce bottle of formula put one ounce of milk in it for a week (with 7ounces of formula). Then put 2 ounces of milk with 6 ounces of formula for a week. Continue this till his bottle is all milk. I did this for all 3 of my kids and it seemed to work the best. Normally though doctor’s suggest that you don’t start giving them whole milk until they are closer to a year old. I started mine when they were around 11 months.

Good luck

Answer #2

I switched my daughter from formula to milk by using powdered milk! I substituted one scoop of formula with milk each week until it was all just the powdered milk…I have always added a scoop of apple rice cereal to her bottles since she was 3 months due to acid reflux (it was better than plain rice since the apple in it helped keep her “regular”! lol) So I also add a scoop of that now to help it taste more like her regular bottles. She seems to drink more of it, but it’s better than having to buy formula all the time! The powdered milk is also helpful when I’m out, so I don’t have to worry about keeping it cold enough so it doesn’t spoil!

Hope that helps you out! It took me awhile to think of it, but it works great!! Good Luck, any other questions, feel free to ask me! Jess

Answer #3

give formula for breakfast & night time feeds, but use cows milk in food and give it as a drink through the day

Answer #4

I would have to agree with colethky . Thats exactly what I did with my son when I was switching him over to regular milk. You have to work it into his digestive system. =p

Answer #5

Like one day just randomly just sneak in some cow milk and see if he likes it then give him more. If not… just switch between formula then milk then formula then just comtinue with milk. Or something like that.

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