How to stop it permanently

This is my first time trying to find something to stop the periods permanently what should I do? My periods are normal just a pain in the butt if you know what I mean!!! I just need to find the right pill or medication that would stop it for good

Answer #1

You can’t, it’s not healthy to stop your period when you are young, you’ll just have to deal with it like any other woman.

Answer #2

you can go for a small operation that can be removed or changed once you want to satrt having babies and stuff. its called mirana… you will have to go to a doctor and explain why you want it though and get it perscribed for you… its extremely expenssive too

Answer #3

your a girl…you can’t permanently get rid of it…unless you go through minapause…or you get your whole uterus thing removed…but then your hormones change drastically and you would probably start acting like a guy.

Answer #4

I dont think there is a medication for it.. I think thats bad for your body.. but birthcontrol will do the job! youll only get it 4 a year!

Answer #5

You cant stop your period permanently.Theres a reasons why you have them anyways…And it means you have good health when you have them…

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