How to prevent spread of herpes to fingers?

I hear the spread of genital herpes to someones fingers is possible. If someone has herpes and doesnt want to spread it to anyone, he or she would need to be sex free. I would assume someone who is sex free would need to masturbate. What are some good points in keeping the spread of herpes from getting to the fingers hence spreading anywhere else on the body?

Answer #1

Herpes is most contagious when sores are present and the person should not masturbate or have sex during this period. This being said, the person should use a condom and dental dam whenever having sex since herpes can be transmitted at any time (even when not having a break out). So the person does not need to be sex free just sex safe. This also means talking about it with their partner and their doctor. Medication can also be taken by the partner to reduce the chances of getting the virus.

To avoid spreading herpes 100 percent of the time, the person can use a condom to masturbate. However, spreading is most likely during a breakout if the person does not have sores or an outbreak they can practice masturbation with a very low chance of spreading occurring.

However the person should always avoid genital (hand) to mouth contact as not to spread the herpes (mouth and anus being the most likely places for it to spread).

In other words, the person should wash their hands after masturbation to reduce the risk of spread of herpes to other parts of the body.

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