How to play guitar?

Can someone help me figure out how to play the gituar please please please please please please?


Answer #1

I play guitar.

You can’t learn from just reading how to ‘play the guitar’ online. Take classes. It’s really fun once you have it down, but like all instruments, takes a while to get used to. I can give you tips on playing, but you have to learn many of the basics by taking a class.

Good luck, and funmail me if you need help :]

Answer #2

I agree with blahblah, you cnat just say “hey, I want to learn guitar” its an art, you need to go out, and buy an acoustic to learn on, and start learning up on theory. I didnt take classes, but I know my way around the fret board. Playing the guitar is something you REALLY have to want, to dream about, and be commited to. Funmail me as well.

Answer #3

I just want to say that guitar is the best instument to play in the world. I play it

Answer #4

its easy im only 12 and you just need to know how to read music and make shurre your giutar is stringed

Answer #5

dude guitar is so easy to play!!!

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