How to persuade my sis?

So, I have this boyfriend, right? And I am soo madly in love with him. I love him with all my heart…and ma birthday is coming up. I mean, for me now, what I really want is to just be wit him and nothing else. So I wanna go to his house but ma sister is making this big deal bout pickin me up! Like she’s basically saying (well she did say) that she doesn’t trust me when I’m alone with him. Wtf? I know I may do a few things and that is none of her business! But I know better. I’m only sixteen. Well turning 17 but still.. What should I do? I still wanna go to his house but how to persuade my sister? Any ideas..?

Answer #1

you gonna gs haha tell her to f*ck off ha 16 virgin 14 gonna get layd over summer at summer house by 2 chicks haha have fun

Answer #2

You just have an over-protective sister.

Tell her to give you some space and that your dating this guy is your own choice of her own free will.

She’s just worried something might happen and maybe he might hurt you, and she’s afraid for you.

I mean, some 16-17 year olds can make some of the stupidest mistakes of their lives, so maybe she’s trying to prevent that from happening.

But if she’s still really bothering you, tell her to leave you alone for awhile and that if something should happen, you’d call her. Maybe a lie, but maybe it’ll allow her to trust you a bit more. Or something.

Answer #3

just tell her your a big girl and its about time you do something you want by your self. she cant always be at your side

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