How would I persuade my parents too...

So in a few weeks or like couple of months my girlfreind will be moving to my town, she only lives 10 miles away any way, I want to persuade my mum to let me stay at my girlfriends like 3 or 4 nights a week because I know my girlfriend’s mum don’t mind, I practically live at hers now, and it would allow us to spend more time out of college together.

Answer #1

Parents can only be presuaded to do something if they are one hundrerd percent reassured that this will be something that won’t affect your grades and studies, that will ensure your safety and well being and that will reinforce your sens of responsibility. Now it’s up to you to find ways to prove that despite you being away, you will call them and visit often, that you won’t let your grades slide and that you won’t be doing anything that may harm you. Start by talking about sleeping over one or two nights a week, and once they are reassured you can try three or four.

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