How to not be called a poser?

Hey im Klara, Im 16 and I just recently found out what “scene” was. The problem is I had been trying to find out who “I” was throughtout the years when finally boom, I felt like myself wearing bright neon clothes, skinny jeans awesome T shirts. etc. (tHIS WAS before I KNEW WHAT SCENE WAS). I really like this style and it finally makes me feel like myself and I dont feell like I have to fit in anymore (Yay!) but since I know what scene is know people will probably say thats my style and call me a “Scen Poser”. but im not trying to be “ Scene” besides I dont even like labels. Im just tring to be myself now that I know who I truly am, the question is how do I not be called a “Poser”, I just wanna b myself but I dont wanna be ridiculed for mthe rest of my high school years. Any help is Obvious. :S :{{{

Answer #1

O.o ermm well I think when they call you a poser you should just say im me :D haha through the last 3 years I’ve been called chav,scene and emo xD x] now people seem to call me spec :L, S= scene p= posh e = emo c = chav Wtf ? ha well I just dont really care what im called becase im always like but do emos where these and do scenes where these >.< ha

just dont care what your called ^_^

Answer #2

okayy loves,first off, duhh poser wiff people who are like “IM SO SCENE AND EMO OH LOOK AT ME IM SCENE” thats just like poser much? and scenes arent preppy. they strongly dislike preps. and people ask you are you scene,you dont shout “YES DUHH IM SCENE CANT YOU TELL” be like uhh sorry I dont label, so I mean im just myself. at my school, there arent any “scene/emo/gothic” people there,so you should try to stand out and make a scene like me. most people perfer to blend in,but we prefer to make a SCENE xD oh and if you wanna go “scene” they say stuff like hun,sweetie,darling,hunny,etc. your caring for your friends and if people mess with them,you tell them off. :D they also use faces like xD,:D,O_O,o_o,x_x,X_X,T_T,x],x[,>:D, >:], [:,etc I hope I helped?

Answer #3

Scene really isn’t just one thing- it’s when you dress however you want, but you kinda have to have the awesome hair… >_> XD I’m not really sure. I get called scene and emo a lot, especially at school, but not a poser. I would say if you do WANT to be scene, make the switch gradually? Don’t just come to school in skinnies with pink and black hair or something. Haha. I don’t know how much help that was, but I hope at least some. ^-\

Answer #4

How can someone not be a scene poser? So you can’t dress/be ‘scene’ without being called one? Ok well you might not intend to be it,so tell them you can ress however you want and you didn’t know what scene was until recently.So in their faces.

Hope this helped

Answer #5

tell them you didn’t know what scene was and you just feel comfortable in the clothes you where.

Answer #6


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