How to maintain higher grades?

How can I maintain higher grades? I try really hard and apply myself a lot, but for some reason I have a hard time getting A’s in some of my classes. People tell me I’m smart and I’m under a lot of pressure from my parents and peers to do well, and I really try, but I still have a hard time!!! What should I do?

Answer #1

Grades matter in freshman year too. I think you’re being smart by being aware that good grades are important right now. During freshman year, I got lazy and now I regret it, because my GPA could be so much higher than it really is now. Now I have to work even harder.

Try to forget about all the pressure from your parents, and from yourself, and just concentrate on one little thing at a time. Study for tests, do all your homework [actually very important] and go to extra help when you need it. Don’t over react if you get a bad grade, just talk to the teacher and ask him/her if you can either make it up, or when the next big test will be. This shows the teacher that you are dedicated in your work, and they’ll remember that when they’re grading you.

Setting high standards can be good, but it can also be bad. I understand you want to get into Yale, but I would look into more colleges, for backups, incase. It’s really tough if you get rejected, and you have no idea where else you want to go.

Best of luck !

Answer #2

whoaa! Thats DEFINETLY not something I want to do!!!

Answer #3

yes, but I have high standards for myself and I am really hard on myself. As it says on my profile, I REALLY want to get into Yale!! It has always been my dream and I know I will have to have really good grades to do that!! Please help!

Answer #4

When reading, outline everything you read. Think along the lines of having to teach the material to someone else. If you don’t know something well enough to explain it to someone else keep going over it until you do.

Ask your instructor for extra help. This will help you understand what things they think are most important and also lets your instructor know that you are trying. When teachers are grading tests they tend to give more latitude to students they believe are trying and have an active interest in the subject.

Hire a tutor.

Answer #5

Have you looked at Mind Mapping as a way to plan and revise? (And not just the way you might have seen it in primary school - I mean using it as a tool to get good grades here.) This is just an idea, but Mind Mapping really helps some people to get their ideas in order and present their work well. If it suits you it will be your tool for life!

You can get Mind Mapping books pretty easily - some are aimed at middle/junior-high school students and I’d say they’re the best for your needs. The original idea and the best books I know are by Tony Buzan. I’ve got Mind Maps for Kids, supposed to be suitable for ages 7-14. You might like that or you might find another one where you’re not at the top of the age range.

You’ll find them in most book stores, I think, or on Amazon. Very good luck!

Answer #6

if you haven’t noticed, I’ve been doing that!

Answer #7


Answer #8

Be yourself, and stop trying to impress others. Some people, are smart, some aren’t. Who cares. You only live once.

Answer #9

You’re only 14. Live your life. Your grades don’t even matter until sophmore year.

Answer #10

I know..but I’m just getting really stressed out…

Answer #11

I hack my grades to make them good ;)

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