How to hook up?

Hi, my boyfriend always wants to hook up and I never done it before. Al my friends have but I havent. Im also veryyy shy and scared but im scared because I have no idea how and what to do. I know I have to use a tongue but like what do I do with my lip and what do I do with my tongue and…sooo many questions.

Answer #1

#1) Don’t hook up with your boyfriend because HE wants to. ONLY do it if YOU want to.

#2) If you both care about each other there is NOTHING to worry about. Go slow, and don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself. But try not to laugh at him too much or it might hurt his feelings.

OKAY so, if you really are ready to hook up here’s how:

a) start with a slow kiss- ALWAYS start with your mouth closed. Not tight closed, just relaxed and closed.

b) most people lean to the right when they kiss.

c) close your eyes before the kiss, but after you are sure he is leaning in to kiss you.

d) if the kiss is going well, and IF YOU WANT TO, if you can part your lips a little bit.

e) he’s a dude, so he’ll probably think he’s supposed to shove his tongue in your mouth right away. It’s not his fault- no one tells guys how to do it right. So, if he does that, pull back and push him away, and explain that it’s much more romantic if kisses start of slow and easy with no tongue.

f) you should tell him how YOU like to be kissed. believe me, he will be relieved if you tell him how to do it. He’s probably as scared as you, even if he doesn’t show it. You should definitely take charge.

g) if you do decide to use tongue, don’t over do it. Everything part of a good kiss is about taking it slow and letting the energy of your bodies build it up.

h) if you don’t feel that energy I talked about- don’t worry about it! Just keep things slow. DON’T MOVE FASTER THAN YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH- if you do, you do, it will be awkward and bad.

I) lastly, and most importantly, don’t be afraid to slow your boyfriend down. He will think it is his job to have sex with you as soon as possible, even if he’s scared to death like you. His job is to try- and YOUR JOB is to slow him down and say NO. It’s worked this way for thousands of years- so don’t be shy about it. He’ll still like you even if you slow him down and stop him from getting too fresh. AND if he doesn’t he’s a jerk, and you should dump him as soon as possible! Trust me, I’m a guy, I know what I’m talking about.

j) I don’t think you’re talking about sex or anything yet. And you definitely don’t sound like you’re ready for it (that’s fine, you’re not supposed to be at that age). But by the time you start making out with boys, you should start learning about condoms birth control and safe sex. LEARN THE FACTS NOW before you HAVE to know them! It’s very hard to think about things rationally when you are in the heat of the moment.

k) Most importantly, relax and have fun! The number one rule is that it should nice and comfortable. Yes, it’s totally normal to be nervous- but it should always feel exciting and nice. If it doesn’t you’re with the WRONG guy, or you are going TOO FAR.

Good luck sweetie!

Answer #2

OH, and one more thing…

Try not kiss anyone with a cold sore! They are very contagious, and then you will get them forever! If you don’t know what a cold sore looks like, look up pictures on google.

You probably won’t have to worry about stuff like that for a long time- but it’s better to know about it ahead of time then to regret it later! The only reason I mention it is because someone I know got one from the first boy she ever kissed. It’s not a terrible thing, but its something you’d be happier avoiding.

Answer #3

first of all dont be pressured into anything you are not ready for. And from the sounds of it, it seems like your not ready for that step. If your boyfriend gets mad at you for that, than who cares he isnt worth your time. Know one can tell you exactly what to do, it will just kinda come to you in the moment, but remember if you are to nervous you want even enjoy it, so wait tell your ready, and you will know what to do.

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