How to get the sharingan like in naruto in real life?

Can someone tell me how to get the sharingan in real life?

Answer #1

you have to focus your chi to your eyes and concentrate in complete silence for hours.That’s what I do

Answer #2

you have to focus chi to your eyes and meditate for hours in complete silence

Answer #3

hahahaha I can help you but aint going to get the powers thats fersure look for some eye contacts on ebay or on some other website as tempting the sharingan is to have itsjust not possible in real life =/ how old are you?

Answer #4


Answer #5

if you really want to know… it is technically possible to get it, you just have to make yourself have 3 extra pupils and a tie, the back ring connecting the tomoe, or make your eyes trade the cones for more rods. Rods in the eye detect motion, cones detect color. but if you manage to replace them you will lose a lot of sight on color, until you get to the point of plain black and white. But on the off hand you could see movements faster… Have fun with that, because you will eventually lose all eyesight due to too much light. It will damage the rods. And as far as I know, if you do pull that off, you cannot change your eyes back to normal. Also your eyes will stay the same color unless you bust a blood vessel in your eyes, then they will be red and you will be blind until your eyes heal. Then after your eyes heal, it will hurt to move them for a long time…

Answer #6

I know the answer. Work your butt off meditating; using the tiger handseal.

Answer #7

For mangekyo- meditate with the ram seal. I’ve actually used both. want to test me- throw a punch at me.

Answer #8

I dont know about that but chidori is real and made by a ninja called kakashi (kakashi from naruto was choosed because it would be good):) but this is serious job

Answer #9

first, close your eyes and you imagine the itachi or the sharingan and will you open your eyes your must become like itachi uchiha or sharingan places.

Answer #10

buy sharingan contacts

Answer #11

hi I can

Answer #12

here is real advice with this issue, not a sarcastic answer nor a pessi8mistic loser answer. yes it is possible to obtain it due to the fact impossibility in itself is the only real impossible thing, but for such a thing to be possible you have at least 75 years of stuff to learn my friend , for such a feat requires excellerating the evolutionary path itself as well as altering how it is to manifest , the odds are worse than lottery odds and the amount of knowledge and skill alone are at levels dangerous for anyone below genius to even attempt , asking these underage, overly pessimistic idiots is gonna either 1 waste your time with false theory , or 2 make you give up on something you want cause they are unwise and seek no further reality or meaning in life than asking if people want fries with their burgers. yes you can obtain it but I advise if you try to follow a path to know all the stuff and have the skill to perform it that you make your goals at least 15 million times the magnitude of your current one for to obtain that power you need an unreal amount of determination just to be mentally strong enough not to kill yourself (a lot of the methods can literally blow the viens inside your brain or cause immediate heart failure leading to quick death) such determination can only be driven by a goal so giant that no1 can see it as even near possible. I’ve done nearly 5 years of research on the subject and I unlike the rest of these fools, actually know what im doing, 1 flaw with using the methods the people who believe in the possibility is that the methods in the anime are not based on a real method yet the powers and abilities are based of the real ancient ninja arts, and a few of the japanese legends (the bijuu and the mangekyou jutsu were based on japanese legend, handseals and a lot of the physical attributes were based on real ninjutsu studies mostly based of the koga families more secret ancient methods). listening to their method is a waste of time. and as for the ones who are discouraging you because they believe in such a worthless thing as impossibility are well stupid, and thats just the honest truth though they refuse to own up to it and those are the people who will not have a future though they claim that the opposite party will be with no future, and the sad thing is I’ve seen time and time again that 99% of the time I was right and they were stuck at a 9 to 5 job or worse and the ones they tried to discourage wound up company owners and powerful rich entities working few hours and making between thousands and millions more, I have offered the wisdom I felt was needed, wether you listen or not I really dont care for its your own loss or gain, but its here for any of the “real” smart people who choose to listen to it (btw a lot of the stuff I know is only known to about 2% of the entire world due to certain circumstances the # or people possessing all of it dropped rapidly most of it could be considered either ancient lost wisdom which was rediscovered and the other half is absolute top secret which is why I never share such info with anyone other than a select group who prove worthiness to me for the information I possess is literally a definition of knowledge is power and is dangerous in many ways

Answer #13

r you all serious?? there is no such thing or else everybody would hve it. supersnake, I don’t think they ten I think they just messed up teenagers with no life. freaking losers, kiss a girl! get rid of your ideas! no such thing outside a cartoon. next thing you know you acting like your supersaiyan and say you can fly, get up on your roof and jump off and fall on your neck and go paralyzed. serves you right for being stupid.

Answer #14

Open your Eyes Very Big and say SHARINGAN

before(0)-(shout out sharingan)-after->(%) ^-your eyes ^sharingan eyes

and thats how you do it folks

Answer #15

Well actually I believe that it could get that ability. In fect its a posibility you have to train both of your eyes carefully to track any movement. This may take long time … remeber you haveto improve your body too because your eye train will be crap at the end without it. concentrate your mind all the energy that you can fell and focus in your eyes if you have a mirror in front of you will be better. To star to relese the shringan before the eye training there is a cost do you have to pay you have to suffer to adapt your eyes to the sun lights. I REALLY MEAN you HAVE TO USE THAT EYETRAINING LOCATTING THE SUN it will hurt but the pain will be gone at the end. ATTENTION WARNING if you star this trainning I mean when you star the second part you will have to complete it and never stop at least you finally get done … or blind because at once that you star the second part and stop you will start to get eye problems you will not get blind but you will get seriusly injured. so good luck.

Answer #16

watch other anime. sure would help

Answer #17

oh god please dont tell me your serious if your like 10 years old okay but… man if your at lease 16 please do it for self find friends a make you a life do you really think that naruto is real its like dragon ball and alll other fighting anime you want to have power and all but its not possible life is boring and you have to live with it godd luck in futur

Answer #18

supersnake, your wrong, 64 palms is an actual presure point technique that I know how to use, and to answer the question no sharingan is not real nor will it ever be, you can get sharingan contacts and develope quick reflexes but thats about it, sorry, and as for those that rip on Naruto fans, calling them 10, go fuck a door knob and see how that turns out

Answer #19

Its easy all you do is you stare at somthing constintly moving for a whole hour without blinking more than 50 times. I can change my eyes all the time all you do is look down wards and my eyes change.

Answer #20

me I still work on fusing both sharingan and bykagan together it take a lot of chi

Answer #21

me I still work on fusing both sharingan and bykagan together it take a lot of chi and with help with chi of a fire dragon

Answer #22

well, unless you want to get the sharingan when age 90 or 100 I suggest you give up…the only believable solution here is demonic assasin 91 and his method takes over 5 years, so if you dont wanna waste your life with this…even if it is possible it isn’t worth it.

Answer #23

I can teach you all about ninjusui I found a way to delope it for real including shanringan email me at

Answer #24

I think that is rather impossible as if Naruto is only an anime and well the sharingan is a made up rare trate that is only to be called what? Fictional! Dude is not real. But if you wish to have your dream of having sharingan eyes in real life, umm I suggest you find somebody who is a specialist in eyes or something, but for real though, I think that sharingan thing got in way over your head, but alas, good luck on that though. And hopefully you do end up having the sharingan or the mangekyo one. =D

Answer #25

hey I have th3 real sharingan real it not showin yet 1 of my friends have the real real 1 but mine is higher then his he was in a dangerous area some shocked him and he also have the real chidori but I been workin on it 4 a year that mess up

Answer #26

dude three of you are like 10 it is f@&$%! anime you cant get it and if you could do it like demonic assain 91 said it would take 75 years so dont waste your time I cant belive you 10 year olds couldnt wait 3 years to be old enough demonic assain 91 shadow techniques 8 you cant use 64 palms and ed 7465 you three should be reported for being to young

Answer #27

if you can see movment patterns and copy them then maybe you have it if you do only you can see it like in a fight if someone trys to punch you and you can dodge it very easly then you have it contact me for more info

Answer #28

get a blue ball striped make it looks like it moves. done!

Answer #29

hi I can use 8 trigrams 64 palms I need to learn sharingan or byakugan please help from ninja 5

Answer #30

ahh for mangokyou or whatever is called you have to kill your best friend and your entire clan jajajajajajajajaj

Answer #31

I tried the sharingan but the only thing that came out was the ren’nigan and its so cool I killed my dog and brouht him back to life its so cool and its the same to achieve the sharingan exept you will have no emotions becouse mine truned off wonce I was happy.

Answer #32

meditate for a lon long time with the tiger seal, im still developing mine so I dont know if its visual or not. it might be though and its just like in naruto!

Answer #33

do u have sharingan???

Answer #34

what is chi??

Answer #35

not true liar you have to have hyuga and uchiha bloodline… if you master both of them you may activate rinnegan

Answer #36

liar,liar pants on fire underwear on a telephone wire

Answer #37

contact me at ….. if you try it on your own it’s gonna be real hard …. sen me an e-mail and i’ll tell you what happened to me… to get mangekyou you must master sharingan and train it further more and again feel the pain of losing your closest friend…

Answer #38

contact me at ….. if you try it on your own it’s gonna be real hard …. sen me an e-mail and i’ll tell you what happened to me… to get mangekyou you must master sharingan and train it further more and again feel the pain of losing your closest friend…

Answer #39

contact me at ….. if you try it on your own it’s gonna be real hard …. sen me an e-mail and i’ll tell you what happened to me… to get mangekyou you must master sharingan and train it further more and again feel the pain of losing your closest friend…

Answer #40

contact me at ….. if you try it on your own it’s gonna be real hard …. sen me an e-mail and i’ll tell you what happened to me… to get mangekyou you must master sharingan and train it further more and again feel the pain of losing your closest friend…

Answer #41


Answer #42

what is the meaning of chi

Answer #43 i agree with demonic assasin on this one really hard lots of pian soo much of it… I could never handle what I did again… but this all real

Answer #44

I have sharingan in real life wathc video and be amazed

All I do to turn sharingan on is put the redness and tomoes in my eyes and tryig to change my eyes into red light and calling upon its name and same for mangkeoyu and eternal

and agreee with this 100% lots of pian in my life so clsoe to death… but yeah this is true here is real advice with this issue, not a sarcastic answer nor a pessi8mistic loser answer. yes it is possible to obtain it due to the fact impossibility in itself is the only real impossible thing, but for such a thing to be possible you have at least 75 years of stuff to learn my friend , for such a feat requires excellerating the evolutionary path itself as well as altering how it is to manifest , the odds are worse than lottery odds and the amount of knowledge and skill alone are at levels dangerous for anyone below genius to even attempt , asking these underage, overly pessimistic idiots is gonna either 1 waste your time with false theory , or 2 make you give up on something you want cause they are unwise and seek no further reality or meaning in life than asking if people want fries with their burgers. yes you can obtain it but I advise if you try to follow a path to know all the stuff and have the skill to perform it that you make your goals at least 15 million times the magnitude of your current one for to obtain that power you need an unreal amount of determination just to be mentally strong enough not to kill yourself (a lot of the methods can literally blow the viens inside your brain or cause immediate heart failure leading to quick death) such determination can only be driven by a goal so giant that no1 can see it as even near possible. I’ve done nearly 5 years of research on the subject and I unlike the rest of these fools, actually know what im doing, 1 flaw with using the methods the people who believe in the possibility is that the methods in the anime are not based on a real method yet the powers and abilities are based of the real ancient ninja arts, and a few of the japanese legends (the bijuu and the mangekyou jutsu were based on japanese legend, handseals and a lot of the physical attributes were based on real ninjutsu studies mostly based of the koga families more secret ancient methods). listening to their method is a waste of time. and as for the ones who are discouraging you because they believe in such a worthless thing as impossibility are well stupid, and thats just the honest truth though they refuse to own up to it and those are the people who will not have a future though they claim that the opposite party will be with no future, and the sad thing is I’ve seen time and time again that 99% of the time I was right and they were stuck at a 9 to 5 job or worse and the ones they tried to discourage wound up company owners and powerful rich entities working few hours and making between thousands and millions more, I have offered the wisdom I felt was needed, wether you listen or not I really dont care for its your own loss or gain, but its here for any of the “real” smart people who choose to listen to it (btw a lot of the stuff I know is only known to about 2% of the entire world due to certain circumstances the # or people possessing all of it dropped rapidly most of it could be considered either ancient lost wisdom which was rediscovered and the other half is absolute top secret which is why I never share such info with anyone other than a select group who prove worthiness to me for the information I possess is literally a definition of knowledge is power and is dangerous in many ways

Answer #46

real life sharingan

Answer #47

For those of you who say chi, you are wrong. Chi is what the people in dragon ball z use. Chakra is what is used fo jitsu like naruto. That is what you use to help unlock the ocular jitsu’s.

Answer #48

For those of you who say chi, you are wrong. Chi is what the people in dragon ball z use. Chakra is what is used fo jitsu like naruto. That is what you use to help unlock the ocular jitsu’s.

Answer #49

I have the sharingan eye

Answer #50

I have the sharingan eye

Answer #51

I have the sharingan eye

Answer #52

I can use sharingan eye. Although I cannot wield it correctly. I have two pupils. I woke up and my eyesight was very weak although I don’t know when I gained it

Answer #53

I can use sharingan eye. Although I cannot wield it correctly. I have two pupils. I woke up and my eyesight was very weak although I don’t know when I gained it

Answer #54

I can use sharingan eye. Although I cannot wield it correctly. I have two pupils. I woke up and my eyesight was very weak although I don’t know when I gained it

Answer #55

TO have the sharingan like in naruto/ whatever. By using biokinesis might be imperfect,because when you use biokinesis,you cant change back to your default eyes.

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