How to get Taylor Swift's hair

I really love Taylor Swift she is one of my role models and I am also in love with her hair so if anyone knows how to get it to be wavy like that..without frizzyness and how it looks all fluffy and soft.* plzzz tell me how to I have school pictures tomorrow and if it looks awesome on me, I’ll be doing that. Thanks!! -Sonya

Answer #1

Foam roller or paper roller on dry hair overnight or to do it quick put them in damp hair and apply heat. Follow up with a frizz serum or light hairspray.

Answer #2

well try rollers also a lot of conditioner and there is products out there for stopping frizz. but I would recomend try out your style first before a big event like school pictures. incause it doesnt turn out right

Answer #3

get a friend / sister or your mum to put lots o little plaits in your hair when its damp.. leave them in until your hai is dry (around 3 or 4 hours or over nite) then take them out and run your fingers through your hair…u cud also try crimping irons

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