How do I get my hair to have kinky culry hair like taylor swifts?

How do I get my hair to look like taylor swifts ?I have thin , straight ahir that wouln’t hold a curl so how ??? Help …please !

Answer #1

curls start from the roots!, my curls are all natural, but if you want curlier hair then twist your hair at the roots as a diffuser would, do this when your hair is when and scrunch dry

Answer #2

her hair isnt actually like that, I believe sometimes she uses fake hair and has a spiral perm done (im not sure though I’ve heard things)

but you can try some of these:

use a special curling gel and/or spray. then spray some hairspray in your hair. taking about 1 to 2” sections of hair wrap them around a medium barrel curling iron. it gives you a soft curl depending on how you wrapped it and for how long

you can also try set in curlers.

Answer #3

well you can get curler I don’t know what they curler are call but if you go to like wal-mart or target or even a hair store they will have it trust me I have a lot of curler but I don’t us them because my hair is short but trust me

Answer #4

THX guys !

Answer #5

In your profile picture that says you, looks like you have curly hair to me.

Answer #6

Taylor Swifts hair is naturally like that, so I have no idea.

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